Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

Here's a little video clip (1.75 mb) I recorded this afternoon. It's especially recorded for those of you who would like to see what I look like moving and talking! I also have my own blooper reel.

If the above link doesn't work for you, please try this one instead. In Windows Media Player, make sure to click "All Video" using the drop-down button next to the "Now Playing" tab.

13 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    There was no picture but there was sound.

    Man, I wish I could hook up something like that.

    You'd be amazed who I sound like. Yep, you guessed it Matthew Maconaughey  

  2. # Blogger Heather

    HAHAHAHA - did you try downloading the video and opening it in Quicktime?  

  3. # Blogger Unknown

    yep, just did and there still was no picture  

  4. # Blogger Heather

    Hmmmmmmmm... I'm not sure what else to suggest. Well, at least you could hear it!  

  5. # Blogger Erin

    Heather, I can only get sound! I'll try it again when I get home...  

  6. # Blogger Janelle

    that was awesome! you are exactly the way i thought you would be...and the blooper - haha!! i would have about a million of those!! i hope to meet you someday!  

  7. # Blogger andrew + camille

    awwwwwww - you are totally beautiful! i enjoyed hearing your sweet voice... yes, I hope to meet you someday as well...  

  8. # Blogger Erin

    It worked! That is so fun. You should start posting video blogs for us once in a while.  

  9. # Blogger Heather

    Erin - I'm definately thinking I'll do that. Of course, they get to be pretty large files the longer the video is, so anyone on dial-up would have a tough time. But who is on dial-up anymore these days anyway... but me and my hubby at home?  

  10. # Blogger Unknown

    still no phicture for me  

  11. # Blogger Erin I had the same project until I saved it to my computer. It worked fine when I ran it from there.  

  12. # Blogger Erin

    project? I meant problem.  

  13. # Blogger Darlene Schacht

    That was too cool. Now if I see you at the mall, I'll know who you are.  

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