Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

Once again, it was a beautiful and relaxing weekend. On Friday evening we hung out with Terrilee and Brent. We went to Morris for ice cream, and then settled down at their place to watch a movie.

On Saturday we headed into the city around noon and did some garage saling. We didn't have too much luck in finding anything very great, but we did pick up some movies and books. In the afternoon we went to see Farenheit 9/11 - which I could really go on and on about, but not today. It was an informative flick, I enjoyed it. After the movie we spent some time in the mall before heading over to Rick & Lori's for a nice BBQ. Their friends Jeff, Lorna and 18-month-old son Ethan were also there. We had a great time as we always seem to have with them. It was a lovely evening, and we stayed out on the deck for as long as possible until the mosquitos won the war, and we retreated inside to watch a movie.

Sunday was very relaxing. We had lunch with my dad in Morris, and then spent the afternoon in the pool at Frank & Jeanne's. It was lovely. Later in the evening we went into the city with Frank & Jeanne for supper at a nice little seafood restaurant on Corydon. It was another beautiful, warm evening and we enjoyed sitting out on the street.

Today it seems that the clouds are finally moving in, so we might see some thundershowers today. I'm okay with that, because if I'm stuck inside at work at least I know I'm not missing all the good weather!

1 Responses to “”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey Heather:

    Can't help but comment on Fahrenheit 9/1l - a lot of supposed "facts" from the film have since been disproven. I know, heartbreaking, ain't it?, and to think that The Dubya made it anyway despite the bad publicity and lies. Now THAT'S what you'd call a winner. As for Mr. Moore who has the chutzpah to accuse someone of deception by making a 2 hour documentary with it being mostly that - it must feel pretty crappy be end up being a loser anyway. HOWEVER, to his benefit, he's a richer loser because of it and well, he really knows how to make a documentary and get the adrenaline going and that my friend, is talent whether you love him or hate him. Can't wait for the next documentary!

    Okay, I'm done with my little political rant. Am loving the site!

    - Sandie  

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