Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

What an "action-packed" weekend we had! It all began on Thursday night when Ryan and I froze our butts off at the first regular season Bomber game. It was frigid, and a lot of the crowd left early, as did we.

On Friday night, Ryan went to the airport to pick up Steve, Ang and Emily who arrived around 10:30p.m. They came as for a surprise visit for Father's Day. They got to our place after midnight, and despite fatigue from travelling, they still took a late night tour of the renovated house. They were quite thrilled to see the changes! Especially Emily!

On Saturday was the Rosenort Festival, of which I was a part of planning. There was a great free breakfast in the morning, followed by a pretty decent parade. There was baseball and kids activities all afternoon, including a VERY awesome magic show where even I was impressed. The young magician's name was Corey Oake, and he was really, really good. The show started as loud music boomed throughout the arena, and Corey walked out wearing a sleek suit of all black with red trim. He did a few tricks with a red handkerchief, and then threw it into the air - where it seemed to magically turn into a red dove that flew around the arena, and then into a cage. He did about six tricks, all ending with the appearance of a red dove. Finally, he took out an egg, and acted as though he was going to throw it on the ground. Instead, the egg crumbled in his hand and "turned into" a little white bird. Really cool! His final trick was the best though. He took the cage with all six red doves in it, and put a blanket over it. He then picked up the cage, walked out near the audience, and threw the cage up into the air. The cage seemed to vanish under the blanket, and all that fell from the air was the empty blanket and some red confetti. I was astounded. At lunch time, we surprised Frank with Steve, Ang and Emily's appearance, and then took off to a wedding in Lowe Farm. All in all it was an eventful, busy day.

On Sunday we spent some time relaxing at our place with our guests, and then headed over to Frank and Jeanne's for the annual Father's Day gathering at their house. It was a windy day, but despite slightly chilly weather, the kids were able to swim. My parents also joined us there, and we all had a really great time.

I took the day off on Monday to spend more time with Ang and Emily. All of the girls, including my mom, went to the Forks, and spent all day there. We had a lot of fun. We then met up with all the men at Earls, and celebrated a couple of birthdays.

It was a great weekend. Steve, Ang and Em left back home today. We are really going to miss them! Guess we wait until Christmas to see them again.

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