Blasts from the Past (1987-88)...
Ryan Plett - Ryan loves to play hockey which takes up most of his time in winter. He is very sportsminded. In the summer he loves to play baseball, and is a talented golfer.
and friend Jeremy Hiebert...
Jeremy Hiebert - muscular polite athletic brain dirtbike racer
and brother Steve Plett...
Stephen Plett - Stephen enjoys nature and anything that has to do with the military. He draws and sketches a lot in his spare time. His dream is to become a helicopter pilot.
Ryan Plett - Ryan loves to play hockey which takes up most of his time in winter. He is very sportsminded. In the summer he loves to play baseball, and is a talented golfer.
and friend Jeremy Hiebert...
Jeremy Hiebert - muscular polite athletic brain dirtbike racer
and brother Steve Plett...
Stephen Plett - Stephen enjoys nature and anything that has to do with the military. He draws and sketches a lot in his spare time. His dream is to become a helicopter pilot.
Man, I was there for Grade 9! Maybe I didn't get my picture done. I'd like to see it if I did, though.
Despite the geeky photo, that was a really good year.
"polite" ...that's one of those attributes that certainly improves with age. So uncool at 14.
Jason, it doesn't look like you made it into the yearbook. I checked the year after and the year before as well, but you do not appear. Hmmmmmmm... too bad.
Scary very scary photos - I think we've all attempted to block out the 80's only to have come back in fashion. I'm seeing pink shirts all over the place now for guys!