Action Packed Plett Life

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I've never been a big fan of diet drinks. I don't like the taste, and something about aspartame doesn't bode well with me. I'd rather stick to "natural" sugar. Well, in last month's Prevention magazine, my inhibitions toward diet drinks were justified. A study of 127 people was done, and those that drank diet drinks consistently gained more weight over time than those that drank regular pop. They think it's because people that drink diet drinks tend to justify other bad eating habits because they are drinking diet pop. So, now I won't feel so guilty for drinking my regular pop!

13 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Tannis

    I take that whole diet pop idea even further for myself by claiming that wine and beer are way better for me than pop if I want a "treat" - not that either of them is good in large quantities of course, but the chemicals and sugar in pop are shocking (diet pop even more so). My personal theory is that most food or drink issues can usually be traced back to problems with moderation. If you completely deny yourself any treats you end up nuts or bingeing at some point but if you allow it all the time no amount of diet products are going to save you. Sounds a lot more simple than it is to do...  

  2. # Blogger Heather

    I agree with your wine/beer statement Tannis - of course, always assuming that moderation is the key when it comes to consuming, well... anything! I absolutely agree that trying to abstain completely from any one food/beverage item generally seems to just cause more problems. In my case, I notice that I feel better (physically, mentally) when I eat what I want to eat (in moderation) and exercise routinely. I'm not dropping pounds by the week, but that isn't my goal. I'm simply maintaining a healthy body weight. Now if only I could convince my mother and mother-in-law...  

  3. # Blogger Jason

    When I went on South Beach I switched from Pepsi to Diet Pepsi. I lost 50 pounds in 8 weeks. I'm not saying switching to a diet drink was the reason I lost weight, I'm just saying that I know it helped. And as far as chemicals go, I drink between 2 and 4 litres of pop a day, I'd rather not have that much sugar in me. I already smoke, what's a little aspartame going to do? ;P Anyway, If you two (I'm including Tannis) are anything like Karen, you'll start harping on me about the evils of aspartame. I know it's bad, I just don't think it's as bad as 40 tablespoons of sugar per day.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    My Grandma is 87 years old, and shes been drinking etleast 2 glasses of coke a day since it was invented.  

  5. # Blogger Erin

    I don't like diet pop much either, but I've just discovered Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper, and I am slightly in love with it...  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    As paranoid as I can get about the whole chemical issue (should I disclose my caffeine addiction here?), I love to hear the stories of people who live to a ripe old age without worrying too much about it. I wonder if that's part of the reason they're around as long as they are - lower stress and higher enjoyment.  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Honestly Jason, 50lbs in 8 weeks?! The aspartame would be the least of my worries with that diet. I bet Karen let you have it for that one...  

  8. # Blogger Jason

    Tan, I don't know if you know how I used to eat, but it wasn't good. South Beach is all about eating good fats and good carbs. I cut out all sugar, starches, and added lean meats and tonnes of vegetables to my diet. I did 20 miles on the exercise bike every day but I just couldn't give up Pepsi, so I had to switch to diet.

    People always get frightened when you say South Beach Diet because they instantly think of Atkins, which I do not agree with. South Beach rocks...  

  9. # Blogger Heather

    I think a lot could be said for the idea that attitude = health. I don't know if its been researched, but I've heard it said before that people that have an illness and go in with a positive attitude have much higher chances of getting healthy than someone with a negative or pessimistic attitude. I think the same could be said for all types of problems. How you feel inside will reflect how you feel outside.  

  10. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Do you think God has a plan for all of us? I think he does.  

  11. # Blogger Heather

    I absolutely believe that God gives each of us a purpose. Have you ever read "The Purpose Driven Life"? It's an incredible book.  

  12. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If this is true, then it shouldn't matter whether we drink beer, diet, or regular, or whatever.

    I will check that book out.  

  13. # Blogger Heather

    Well, I think we still need to be responsible for the body that God gives us.  

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