Action Packed Plett Life

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Physical Retaliation - Is It Ever Okay?

I've been reading a blogger debate (make sure to read the post that started it all) back and forth over the last couple of days, and it has me thinking about the idea of physical retaliation. Is it ever okay for someone to physically retaliate in a fight? I'm not talking about self defense here - although the guy ( involved in the debate is saying that what he did was in self defense, but I'm not sure I agree. Anyway, if someone hits you - can you hit them back without guilt? Can a man hit a woman, just because she hit him first? Can a woman hit a man, just because he hit her first? Can a white person hit a black person? Can an Asian person hit a white person? Is it ever okay to hit anyone, just because they hit you first? I'm reading everything from common moral stands on the subject, to Biblical comparisons to Jesus' actions, and I'm wondering what other people out there think. As a Christian, should one always remain passive in this arena? I was taught not to hit. Not to hit anyone! So far, I haven't been able to come up with any scenario that would make me feel justified in raising my hand to anyone. And again, just for clarification, I don't mean that I wouldn't fight back if someone was beating me up.

3 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Jason

    <blockquote>As a Christian, should one always remain passive in this arena?</blockquote>

    I think anyone, including us who maybe don't believe in a God, should always keep their hands to themselves.

    <blockquote>Can a man hit a woman, just because she hit him first?</blockquote>

    I don't think a woman should hit a man just as strongly as I don't think a man should ever hit a woman... One philosphy I like to live by, though, is that I will put the toilet seat down for you as soon as you put it up for me ;)  

  2. # Blogger Sherlon Christie

    I have to defend myself...if someone hits you best believe that I'm swinging back!  

  3. # Blogger Drew

    This is a complicated issue. As I just posted on j hill's blog, while I don't agree with what did on a technical level, I understand WHY he did what he did.

    No one should ever hit another human being.

    BUT, you have to understand the cultural and social forces at work, at least in the situation. Black men get beat up on, both emotionally and physically, all the time. Society see's black men as the lowest of the low.

    So, when was hit, he reacted. Should he have done it? Probably not. But, hell, I can understand the rage he had inside of him.

    Now, understand. I'm not justifying violence or saying that because I'm black I would hit another person and it's ok. I'm merely fleshing out a.runs argument, and I can understand why he did what he did.  

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