Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

I AM: a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a niece, an auntie and a friend.
I WANT: a healthy baby, and a loving home and family.
I WISH: I could learn to trust God better.
I HATE: brussel sprouts, and lies.
I MISS: my brother and sister-in-law, niece and nephew.
I FEAR: things that I should not even be thinking about.
I WONDER: what the future holds for our family.
I REGRET: not keeping up with some friends from the past.
I AM NOT: as organized as I'd like to be.
I DANCE: when I'm alone!
I SING: to almost anything.
I CRY: for people less fortunate than I, abused and abandoned children, and those who have lost loved ones.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: very sensitive.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: art, cakes and cookies, and yummy meatballs.
I WRITE: speeches, articles, journals, poems and letters.
I CONFUSE: almost everything these days! But I can't tell you the name of a band or song they sing for the life of me.
I NEED: a lot of loving, hugging and ego-boosting.
I SHOULD: start a hobby.
I START: big projects with high hopes.
I FINISH: projects quickly, just to get it done, and wish I had taken more time.
I TAG: whoever wants this, I swiped it and so can you!

3 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Nin

    good answers. It's true, we do worry about things we shouldn't even be thinking about.  

  2. # Blogger Lindsay

    I AM: Not really sure why I'm doing this. I sense it might take more than two minutes (the average time I spend on a blog post). But I'm needing a break from crazy clients this afternoon. And if Heather can do it, then so can I. And then I'll post it to my own blog and force it upon others! Mwaahahaha...

    I WANT: To experience that feeling of contentment with life every single day. Not even for the whole day - just for a moment each day. I think that would be so cool.

    I WISH: I was one of those girls who could jump out of the shower, throw on some clothes, and go - and look totally stunning with no make-up and air-dried hair.

    I HATE: People who are sneaky, judgmental, or lack compassion. Ooh, that's funny. I was just totally lacking compassion when I said I hated people. And I'm totally judging them by calling them sneaky or judgmental or lacking compassion. Oh, the irony. Whatever. You know what I mean. At least I wasn't sneaky.

    I MISS: Playing outdoor soccer with Lindie and Jolene. And that crazyfun summer when all of my girl friends were single at the same time.

    I FEAR: Giving birth to an ugly child. Seriously. Well, think about it... It would be horrible to know that your child is ugly. And it would also be horrible to NOT know that your ugly child is ugly - and push pics on unsuspecting friends and family.

    I WONDER: What my life will be like when I'm 35. I wonder where I'll live, where I'll work, who I'll live with, what will fill my days. I wonder if I'll be aging gracefully. I wonder if I'll finally give up on George Clooney and settle on Plan B.

    I REGRET: Not learning to stick up for myself until I was in my 20s. Once you learn what you need/want/love and how to take care of yourself (and once you realize that taking care of yourself is your own responsibility), life becomes so much happier.

    I AM NOT: As confident as everyone probably thinks I am.

    I DANCE: When I drive in my car. And when I'm cleaning my house.

    I SING: Constantly, but quietly. Unless I'm in my car and listening to something that just demands to be sung at full volume... Like every single early 90s power ballad.

    I CRY: Lots. I tear up during commercials and when I read the news and when I'm singing in church. I cry on my way home from Young Adults, when I'm praying for all the things the girls have just shared. I bawl during the Olympics and when someone close to me makes me proud of them. I am completely incapacitated when I see Joints in Motion promos on Global.

    I AM NOT ALWAYS: Good at keeping in touch with people who don't use email.

    I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: Really yummy lasagna. The best chocolate chip cookies in the world. And paintings I never show anyone.

    I WRITE: So much at work that I have somehow lost the art of journalling and the ambition to write my novel. I'm working on changing both of those things...

    I CONFUSE: What I want with what I think others expect of me. Especially when it comes to boys. I feel sometimes like I should be married by now - not because I want to be, but because I feel like other people think I should be. Deep breath, folks... I'm still ridiculously young, I'm a superfox, and it will happen when it happens.

    I NEED: A list of goals and the feeling of accomplishing them. Which is why I have a Master List of things to accomplish before I die. And it's funny - the stupid little random things feel every bit as good to cross off the list as the epic, life-defining accomplishments.

    I SHOULD: Spend more time with Jessica (my real little sister) and Chynna (my 'adopted' one).

    I START: Every project with a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm and a big, crazy idea of how fabulous it could be when it's finished. I absolutely love the organizing and planning part of a new project. I get the same feeling I had every September when even my outdoor shoes were shiny white, my notebooks were pristine, and my pencil crayons were sharpened to a perfect point and arranged by colour. Wow. I should maybe go back to therapy.

    I FINISH: With a feeling of mixed accomplishment and disappointment. I'm always a little bit sad that it's over, and I always see the ten things I could have done better. But I'm always starting to get excited about what might be coming up next...

    I TAG: The slow, fat kid with the wooden leg.  

  3. # Blogger Heather

    Excellent list Lindsay - thanks for sharing it here!  

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