Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

We had kind of a scare with our kitten DJ yesterday. In the morning, both cats are let in from their night of galavanting to eat, and usually they go to sleep for the rest of the day. Yesterday morning, however, just DJ returned from her night out - ate a little bit, and then went to lie down. It was very strange for Puss not to be there, pushing his way into the door to get to the food dishes first. He hadn't showed up when we both left for work. I got home for lunch at 11:30, and thankfully Puss had finally made his way home. I let him into the house, but he passed right by his food and laid down in the middle of the kitchen floor - this is astonishingly strange behaviour for him. Both cats seemed to be really lethargic. Usually when I'm home for lunch, they both "talk" to me and greet me at the door, and follow me around the house. The kitten was laying on the floor, almost totally out of it, and drooling. I picked her up, and she was totally dead-weight in my arms. She was breathing really fast, and I put her back on the floor. She tried to walk, but just wobbled and swayed, and slowly slumped to the floor. I called Ryan, and he told me to call the vet - so I did. In the meantime, the kitten made her way to the door in a drunken side-step so I let her out. She got over the threshold, but just slumped to the ground again and let out on little terd. Poor thing! I hate it that they can't tell you what's wrong! At that point, Puss seemed to be acting sort of normal again, so I decided not to worry about him. The vet called back, and said we should bring DJ in right away. I was working, so I couldn't go, but my brother Matt was around so he took her in. An hour later the vet called to ask if they could do X-rays, and I agreed. When they called again, she said that the kitten had one enlarged kidney, and so they felt they should do blood work to find out if it was her kidneys. I didn't know what to do, so I told her to call Ryan and ask him. He said do it, so they did the blood work. Matt then brought her home while we waited for the results, and Ryan came home early so they came over to Country Graphics with the kitten. She was pale. How can you tell if a cat is pale? I wondered the same thing when the vet said it. DJ's nose is usually bright pink, as is her mouth and tongue. She was WHITE, like a sheet. Even her little nose blended into her white fur. She was totally out of it - barely even looking around. So, we took her home and babied her. The vet finally called back, and said they think she has a blood parasite - which was causing her body to fight off her red blood cells. She was totally anemic, with only 1/2 the blood cell count she should have! So, off Ryan went to the vet to get meds. Now DJ is on steroids, to stop her body from fighting her blood cells, and antibiotics to fight the parasite. This morning she already seemed a little better,a and actually "talked" to us. She ate and drank, plus we gave her some treats of milk and ham! For now, it looks like Puss is doing alright. He seems maybe slightly under-the-weather, but we're monintoring him. Hopefully our little kitty will make a full recovery soon.

3 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    Wow. Never heard of that before.

    Glad that the feline's fine  

  2. # Blogger Elizabeth

    OH MY GOSH! What a scare. I hope that your wee kitten feels better real soon.

    Luv Lesa  

  3. # Blogger Ang

    I'm a jerk, I forgot to ask how kit-kat is doing on the phone...  

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