Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

What a nice weekend we just had. It would have been even nicer if the sun would have showed it's face, but even with the clouds and cold, it was good.

On Friday evening we just vegged out at home and relaxed. Then, on Saturday morning I got up early to go into work to make some decals for our friends. They just started up their new web-business, id collectables. So I made some decals for their car. I then had a lovely breakfast with my mom at the Café, and enjoyed some much needed "mom talk" with her. After breakfast, I did laundry, made a fruit salad and puttered around the house. We left for the city around 2:30, and headed to the mall. First stop, Thyme Maternity for some t-shirts and a dressy outfit. Ryan and I had a lot of fun there - laughing at how huge I look in some of those maternity clothes. It was pretty funny! More and more the reality of this pregnancy is hitting us. It feels somewhat surreal sometimes. Almost like we are just pretending. Anyway, after finding some clothes that fit, we wandered around a little more and then headed out to our friends' Rick & Lori's. They are off to Europe at the end of the week, so they had a little farewell BBQ at their place. The weather held up well enough for a rousing game of street hockey to take place. There were a bunch of adults and lots of cute kids running wildly in the streets. One of our friends' sons laughed hysterically for almost a full half-hour as he watched his dad play goaltender. The supper and the company were great, and we had a fabulous time - even getting to head home relatively early.

On Sunday we both ended up getting up early, as I discovered a frog in the basement. Likely it was brought in by one of the cats. Anyway, I had to show Ryan so I got him up and as he went to remove it, it started hopping all over the place - trying to get under sofas, etc. It was pretty hilarious! He was finally able to catch it, and threw it outside - only minutes later to be devoured by one of the cats. Seeing as we were already up, we went to a Mother's Day Tea at the church. We actually had a few people offer us condolence, as Mother's Day can be a tough time for moms who have lost babies. It was nice to be able to tell them that we were in fact celebrating Mother's Day, because we were once again expecting. Church was pretty good, and we got to sit with Terrilee and Emery until he got too ancy, and headed to the play room. After church we had a quiet lunch together, and napped. A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! We then got decked out to go to supper with Frank and Jeanne, my parents, my brother and my grandma at Tavern in the Park. It was a delicious meal, as always.

That pretty much sums up our weekend. I would write a very long ode to my mothers, but I'm on an emotional edge today (a happy emotional edge), so I'm not going to attempt that right now. But I love both my mom, and my mother-in-law very, very much!

2 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Ang

    love this post. The kid laughing at his dad, ryan frog-hunting in his bathrobe he got for Christmas when he was 8...miss your laugh dude-girl.  

  2. # Blogger Unknown


    Sorry I haven't been here but I been really tired and ready for vacation.

    I feel like I been on a marathon and can see the finish line but I am clawing to get there.

    Kiss Pepe for me.  

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