Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...


"The one" is the guy you had all your firsts with. You know, first french kiss, first... everything, "the one". "The one" is usually the guy who taught you things you never thought you'd want to know - but then you find out that you DO want to know, and you kinda like it too. "The one" is also usually the first person to cheat on you, the first person to hurt you, and the first to break your heart.

"The one" came into my place of work today. I am never prepared for run-ins with "the one". My heart started to pound hard... or maybe that was just my coffee in action. It isn't the kind of heart pounding you get when you are around someone you like - it's the kind you get when you are around someone you DON'T WANT TO TALK TO!

He sat in the waiting area of the office, and I could see him through the glass walls of the entrance. "Can he see me? Does he want to see me? Oh man, how do I look today? I've gained weight. So has he. Suck it in Heather, try to look at ease." He looks just as uncomfortable. But he is about to meet with my dad.

My dad is my boss, and "the one" and my dad have never got along. "The one" met my dad often - when he'd bring me home at ungodly hours of the morning. Usually these visits were brief and uncomfortable, at the least. Usually these visits were kept short because our hair would be in a mess, shirts untucked, and odours barely masked. Possibly, our cheeks would be a little too flushed. Ah, "the one". "The one" makes your parents crazy - and I don't blame them now that I look back.

"The one" entered my dad's office. I peered across my half-wall cubicle, and saw the uneasy handshake and shift onto the chair. My dad is the calmest person I know. He looks fine. He smiles, talks as though this is the first time he's ever met this guy. For all I know, he's long forgotten him. I should do the same.

The meeting goes smoothly. I don't know what I expected. Dad wasn't going to say, "So, remember the day that you *insert any adjective here* with my daughter?". He just kept it to business.

"The one" leaves the office and glances in my direction. I divert my eyes. I'm suddenly VERY busy, and I have to type madly and click away at my mouse like there was no tomorrow.

He leaves. Hallelujah. Next time I will be more prepared. But no one is ever prepared for a run-in with "the one".

4 Responses to “”

  1. # Blogger Jeremy

    Not "the one", silly..."the ex"...  

  2. # Blogger Heather

    I agree Jer, but to me "the ex" is the guy I almost married. "The ex" is the guy just before meeting "love of my life". "Love of my life" is Ryan.  

  3. # Blogger Unknown

    Heather, first let me apologize for not posting on your site a lot more. I been beating kids.

    The One, huh? There was a One in my life. But I have the ability to shift that title to other people. The Queen is the One now.

    I wish I would have just jumped right to her. Skipped all the dead end people.  

  4. # Blogger Heather

    A.Run - you make me laugh every time. Thanks for posting. I wish I could have just jumped straight into the arms of my husband as well. I have a brother in the dating game right now, and I try to explain this to him, but he doesn't get it. No one gets it until you've gone through it.  

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