Action Packed Plett Life

Welcome to a day in the lives of our little Plett family...

We had a pretty good weekend I would say. On Saturday we slept in until the cat woke us up, and had a leisurley morning. It was raining quite a bit, and I decided it would be the perfect kind of day to pull out the Mennonite in me and try baking buns for the first time. The theme of my venture was "Patience", as you have to let bun dough rise three times and I was not going to be stingy with the time I would allow for this. I was determined to make good buns. Each time that I went back to check on the dough, it was getting bigger and fluffier, and I was so excited. I made Ryan come and see it each time, and he politely congratulated me although he had no clue what all the excitement was about. At the end of the day I accomplished my task, and make 2 dozen perfectly wonderful buns - although slightly under-baked - but totally eatable, and quite delicious.
In the meantime, Ryan and I began the project of organizing the "Blue room". The "Blue room" is a spare bedroom upstairs that we painted entirely sky blue. It is a lovely dormer room, with a nice view of the river and "beautiful downtown Rosenort". For the last six months this room has served as an oversize storage room for everything that had not yet found a place. We had satellite TV hooked up last week to the basement (which is not yet complete) and this room upstairs, which will eventually be home to a lovely futon. We wanted to be able to set up the futon and watch TV in there, but first, the cleanup. We made a few boxes, one for future dining room stuff, one for basement stuff, an MCC box, and a garage sale box, with a few other miscellaneous titles. Then began the sorting, disgarding and the ever-so-pleasant discoveries of items we'd already forgotten. It was a good time, even though it was work. While we were in there working on all this, Ryan had a moment of realization that this was our home, and here we were, a married couple, going through "our" stuff. It was a nice moment, and the comfort and security of it felt so wonderful. We enjoyed our afternoon together a lot. Ryan admitted that maybe cleaning up wasn't so bad afterall.

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